FORGET multi-millionaire footballers seeking their next big payday in China, a school in South Somerset is teaming up with their Chinese counterparts as part of a new initiative.

Children and teachers at The Redstart Primary School, Chard have started a fruitful relationship with their Yunxi Primary School in the Yueyang Province, China.

The school and its students will host regular video meetings with the school, and to herald the start of the scheme, held their first video conference last week.

Twelve pupils from the school gave a presentation to their Chinese counterparts about the meaning of Christmas, and how much they enjoyed it.

They were then taught some artistic lessons on traditional Chinese paper cutting by one of the teacher of Yunxi Primary School.

Roger Hunt, one of the teachers at the school who are developing the links, said the pupils enjoyed the event and hoped they would learn a lot from the initiative.

Mr Hunt said: “Our new link school will help broaden cultural and educational experiences for our children and as teachers we can explore new curriculum ideas together.”

It is the latest international school which Redstart has teamed up with.

It also has an established link with Base Camp Primary School in Uganda.

Although the video conferences may be a meeting of the minds, Yunxi Primary School couldn't be any different from Redstart.

Yueyang is a city of almost one million people in the Hunan province in south east China, while Chard has a population of just 13,000.