SEVEN years of hard study have paid off for a quantity surveyor at Taunton's Gadd Group who has finally received his degree.

Jonathan Escott ended the year with a bang by graduating with a BSc Hons from the University of the West of England.

Jonathan started his career with Gadd at the age of 18 and after seven years of part time studying at SCAT and at University, his hard work was rewarded with a degree in Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management.

After attending the graduation at Bristol Cathedral, Jonathon said: "I would like to thank Gadd for the opportunity and the support that they have given me. Studying whilst working has been hard at times, but the graduation has made it all worth it!"

Jon is currently surveying projects to the value of £7m including the construction of 50 apartments which have recently commenced on Corporation Street in Taunton.