A TAUNTON nurse will be among a group of dedicated Territorial Army Medics from across the South West flying off to Afghanistan for a three-month deployment in Helmand province.

Cpl Janet Garland has a better reason than many to go to Afghanistan - her soldier nephew was seriously injured in Helmand in 2006 when his vehicle struck a mine.

Luckily for him he is on the road to recovery.

Janet, 39, who normally works as a nurse at Musgrove Park Hospital - joined the TA in 2006 and will deploy for the first time.

Over 80 volunteer reservists from the 243 (The Wessex) Field Hospital Unit, are set to deploy.

The unit, which includes nurses, surgeons, radiographers, doctors and Headquarters support staff such as managers and drivers will be doing a vital job at the main British field hospital in Camp Bastion, ensuring the injured get the very best in medical care.

Cpl Garland, said: "It's always been an ambition of mine to join the forces and I wanted to do it while I was still young enough. I know it was a Canadian Territorial Army nurse who looked after my nephew and I just wanted to give something back."