"DRIVING towards Milverton on Sunday morning I passed a young man walking or rather weaving along the road and immediately recognised that he looked vulnerable.

Having doubled back to see if anything was wrong I saw that I was already in a queue to help.

Dave who is a taxi driver and was on his way to pick up a fare and Nicky, who interrupted her own journey to Birmingham, had both stopped to see what they could do to help someone very clearly in distress.

Over the following couple of hours or so we combined to try to reassure him by calling family, friends and the emergency services in an effort to find him a place of safety.

For much of that time, we felt that very little progress was being made but Dave’s reassuring presence and Nicky’s patience and empathy eventually meant that we were able to resume our own journeys confident that he was in the best place possible having returned him to his family.

So, congratulations to Nicky (and her very patient niece) and Dave for their selfless commitment to helping a distressed young man.

Finally, good luck to the young man concerned and his family as they try to find a way forward."

Peter Tucker