Taking a break from property related matters this week, I identified closely with many of the 1960’s memoirs of my fellow columnist Clinton Rogers in his contribution to the Gazette last Thursday. I too wonder how we survived as youngsters at all, especially when recalling my own adventures on two wheels.

Clinton tells of riding his 49 cc moped to London to visit his brother. The trip apparently took him eight and a half hours and was, he writes, ‘Great fun’. Imagine attempting a similar journey today! Taking the A361 as did Clinton, you’d almost certainly be devoured by a monstrous Juggernaut before reaching Ilminster. The very thought is horrendous.

My own tale of derring-do, involved considerably less mileage but a similar youthful spirit of adventure. Sixty years ago, at the ripe old age of ten, in the month of March 1964, I mounted my trusty Raleigh Explorer to pedal the up and down, 24-mile road to Minehead. My mother urged caution but was not overly concerned. If I remember rightly, the trip took around three hours and thanks to having been given the fare for a train ride back, I was home in time for lunch, with a stick of lettered rock for mum to prove I’d completed the course!

These days you’d have more chance of spotting a yeti on that hazardous route than a ten year old lad on a bike. It’s far too dangerous. In common with Clinton's exploits on his moped, it’s  now a daunting challenge for even a grown adult to ride such dangerous roads. That was then and this sadly is now. Another interesting memoir of that week was the day following my venture into West Somerset the Beatles took the same railway journey as part of their filming for A Hard Day’s Night. Fame at last!

Chris Willey is an Independent Property Appraiser and welcomes sale related enquiries on Taunton 01823 412661