IF the Liberal Democrats' proposal for a new local income tax, published last week, was put into practice, an average household in Carrick and Kerrier could pay up to another £490 extra in tax per year.

Why? Because the Liberal Democrats' tax would apply to each person in the household, rather than just the household as one entity. As a result, on their own figures, each person could be paying around four per cent in tax, which in many cases could increase the household's tax bill by nearly half as much again.

This is a classic case of the Liberal Democrats doing the same as Labour - trying to convince people they will pay less when actually they will pay more.

We have already had the Labour Party increasing income tax by stealth through the increase in National Insurance (supported by the Liberal Democrats); we don't need more tax, we need a fairer deal.

The reason we are paying higher and higher council tax bills in Carrick and Kerrier, as confirmed by the Audit Commission Report, is because Tony Blair is diverting funds away from Cornwall to his heartland in the north. What we should be doing is exposing this and demanding our money back, not playing into his hands by introducing a new local income tax which will only lead us into paying even more tax.

Ashley Crossley, Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Falmouth-Camborne

Let's hear town clock chiming

I would like to congratulate Kerrier district council for overseeing the huge improvement in the Camborne town centre. There has been a truly fantastic improvement over the last few years and all that is required now is a few quality shops.

But there is one thing that I feel very strongly about and must be corrected - that is the town clock. It is hardly ever working and never tells the correct time and it must be made to chime again.

Surely, after all the money spent on these improvements, the relatively small amount of money (required to fit a control to make the clock chime only at serviceable hours, say 8am to 10pm) could be found?

Hoping to hear Camborne town clock chiming regularly again in the near future.

Norman L Roberts, Trevenson Street, Camborne