SUPPORTERS are being given the opportunity to get their hands on the special commemorative shirts worn by Yeovil Town in their FA Cup Third Round match with Liverpool earlier this month.

Fans are being asked to take part in a silent auction in which they can bid for a player's shirt. Although they will not be the actual shirts worn during the game, they will be replicas.

The players shirts available are: Chris Weale; Adam Lockwood; Terry Skiverton; Hugo Rodrigues; Colin Pluck; Paul Terry; Darren Way; Lee Johnson; Nick Crittenden; Kevin Gall; Gavin Williams; Andy Lindegaard; Kirk Jackson; Jamie Gosling; Adam Stansfield; Steve Collis.

Anyone wishing to make a bid should send it in a sealed enveloped to: Dave Linney, Yeovil Town Football Club, Huish Park Stadium, Lufton Way, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 8YF.

The closing date for bids is Friday, February 13, 2004.