A HOME-based carer from Wellington has been chosen to highlight the need for more foster carers in Somerset.

The work of Kelvin Troake, who has helped over 20 teenagers in the last 26 years, has been brought into the spotlight during Foster Care Fortnight that runs until the end of the month.

Linda Barnett, Head of Children’s Services at Somerset County Council, said: “Foster carers have a vital role to play in giving children in care the best possible chance in life.

“Foster Care Fortnight is the ideal time for people to find out more about fostering and the skills and qualities needed to be a modern foster carer.”

Kelvin said this week: “When I look back over the years, I am filled with a sense of satisfaction that I have made a positive difference to the lives of the young people I have fostered.”

Ben Appleby and his twin brother Chris are two of the young people who have benefited from being fostered by Kelvin.

Now aged 19, Ben is studying at university in Bristol and Chris is a Special Constable for the Avon & Somerset Police Constabulary. Both were 15 when they were fostered by Kelvin.

When they were 12, their mother died from cancer and after spending some time living with family members, it was decided foster care was the most stable situation for the boys.

For more information visit www.somerset.gov.uk or call 0800-5879900 for an information pack.