WHERE else but Bishops Lydeard Flower Show could you see a talking scarecrow, a vuvuzela, an army of robots and a floral depiction of the coalition government in the same room?

The event, held in conjunction with a fete on the village green and a ‘Party in the Park’, was a great success.

The committee \re grateful to the 190 exhibitors who provided the 465 entries and the visitors.

Annie and Mark Smith presented the prizes and pupils from Bishops Lydeard Primary School entered some stunning artwork in the children’s classes.

Entry numbers in the vegetable and flower categories were down, but more entries were received in the domestic, handicraft and photography classes.

Awards of Merit for outstanding exhibits were presented to June Harper for her foliage arrangement and Rachel Rayer for her display of onions.


The Mr and Mrs R. C. Hoyle Perpetual Challenge Cup, vegetables, Mary Villis and Clare Rant; The C. C, Kierle Perpetual Challenge Cup, fruit, Mary Villis and Clare Rant; The Connaught House School Perpetual Floral Cup, flowers and plants, Mary Villis; The John and Audrey Silke Challenge Cup, hanging basket, Rachel Rayer; The Stanley Burbidge Memorial Trophy, patio container, Rachel Rayer; The Morris Perpetual Rose Bowl, roses, Grace Cooper; The Don Saunders Perpetual Cup, hybrid tea rose, Sarah Day; The Lee Perpetual Cup, dahlias, Martin Rant; The President's Perpetual Challenge Cup, vegetables, fruit, wloers and plants, Mary Villis and Clare Rant; The Ross Cup, floral art, June Harper; The Florence Grimstone Trophy, sponge sandwich, Jane Kennard; The Dorothy Vernon Perpetual Trophy, chocolate brownies, Linda Brady; Bishops Lydeard WI Perpetual Cup, women's domestic classes, Jane Kennard; Charlie Bond Cup, man domestic classes, Martin Rant; Florence Burbidge Memroial Trophy, handcraft, Mary Aquilina; Triangle Trophy, photography and art, Dave Westmore; Melhuish Cup, children Key Stage 1, Helen Darby; Children's Perpetual Cups - pre-school, Emma Darby, Key Stage 2, Maisie Thorpe; Key Stages 3 and 4, Sophie Kennard; Sanders Award, chldren's classes, most points, Maisie Thorpe; NatWest Trophies, art Key Stage 1, Megan Thomas; art Key Stage 2, Eleanor Redish; Crittall Cup, scarecrow, Rachel Rayer; Village Hall Award of Merit, outstanding exhibits, 1 floral art – foliage arrangement, June Harper; 2 vegetables – six onions, Rachel Rayer; 3 domestic section – chocolate brownies, Linda Brady.