A DEDICATED charity fundraiser has returned from a dream holiday to recognise her work for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

Anne Doble, who works for Sainsbury’s at Hankeridge Farm in Taunton, was one of 14 workers to visit St Lucia after winning the firm’s Local Hero Award.

The award is open to all employees to acknowledge the support they give in their community.

As part of the trip the winners visited one of Sainsbury’s Fairtrade banana plantations and were also awarded a donation for the charity.

Andy White, Sainsbury’s community affairs manager, who organised the trip for local heroes said: “It seems fitting that our most inspirational and dedicated colleagues are rewarded for their hard work within their local communities with this incredible chance to see Fairtrade in action.

“As a company, Sainsbury’s strives to make a positive difference to communities – whether they be on our own doorstep or those of our overseas suppliers – and I’m sure that Anne will treasure her memories of St. Lucia.”