ARTISTS, performers and volunteers are being called upon to attend the launch meeting for the 2015 10 Parishes Festival early next month.

The meeting, which will take place at Wiveliscombe Community Centre on January 9 at 7.30pm, will give an overview of the 2015 festival, provide an opportunity to socialise and meet fellow artists and those working behind the scenes, and to provide input into how they would like to see the Festival take shape.

You'll also be able to receive details of how to register for the festival.

Anyone with an interest in the festival is encouraged to go along and give their ideas - and learn more about what makes the festival such an exciting event for the local community.

The launch event is a great opportunity for to meet others to arrange venue shares, whether in a workshop, home or public/community space.

Pauline Homeshaw, director of the Community Office Team, said: “If you have not participated before it's a great way of getting to know more about how you can make a contribution.

“If you are unable to make the meeting, please ensure you are signed up for our newsletter so that you will receive further information as it is announced, including details for registering events.

“If you are considering exhibiting we strongly urge you to consider a venue within the boundaries of the 10 Parishes area, and clustering with other exhibitors is a great way of boosting your visitor numbers and creating a successful Festival experience for you and your visitors.”