AN ABUNDANCE of magical and collectible surprises have been promised for Wiveliscombe's third book fair.

The fair will be taking place on Saturday, March 12, and there will be a collection of first edition Rupert Bear books, a first edition of Beatrix Potter’s Roly Poly Pudding and Pets Panorama, one of the first ever children’s pop-up books.

Hundreds of collectible and fascinating books will be alongside sought after railway timetables, an extensive range of maps and one of the earliest published domestic cookery books from 1819.

Organiser Desmond Hawkins said: “There will be something for everyone enthusiasts and avid readers alike.

"As the first floor is packed with affordable popular and paperback literature."

There will also be storytelling sessions and local author Rivenrod signing his latest publication ‘Swell’.

The Fair runs from 9am until 3pm.