TAUNTON'S Unicorn Badminton Club starts its new season at Taunton School, Staplegrove Road, on Friday, September 6.

Juniors (8-16) play from 5pm and seniors take over the courts from 7pm and prospective members are being sought to replace members who are starting university in September.

The senior club has a membership of 50 and has four teams playing throughout the Taunton Badminton League.

Players who only wish to play at club nights are very welcome. Each year the club meets Club Athletique Lisieux, their twinned club from France, and in May next year Unicorns will be travelling to Lisieux for the twinning weekend.

Members of the junior club have outstanding success in tournaments and some represent Somerset in inter-County matches. Some go on to join the adult club and to play league matches for Unicorn.

New members are always welcome and prospective members should visit www.unicornbadminton.org.uk contact secretary Jacqui Parker on 01823-252774 or at unicorn.hon.sec@gmail.com.