THE closing weeks of the Three Horseshoes Skittles League saw a number of exciting matches — including a rare draw between Bottoms Up and Kiss Me Harders who both scored 394 pins.

But it all came down to the final with the top two averaging teams over the season meeting in a winner-takes-all final.

A see-saw match ended up with The Mole Catchers defeating The Dot and Dabbers 435 pins to 424 pins.

The league will now rest until September when it all starts again! Any new teams wishing to take part in this fun league should call Mark on 01984- 623763 by Friday, July 20.

The Three Horseshoes pub at Langley Marsh, near Wiveliscombe, created its own friendly skittles league many years ago.

It now has 13 teams that compete for the “fun of it” — although there is a trophy at the end for the winning team.